How Do You Water Burro's Tail?

Posted by Grace on March 27, 2023

What is Burro's Tail?

Burro's Tail, also known as Sedum morganianum, is a species of flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae, native to Mexico 🇲🇽 and Honduras 🇭🇳.

(Burro's tail has many other names: Donkey's Tail, Sedum Burrito.)

This plant is known for its long, trailing stems covered in plump, blue-green leaves that resemble the tail of a donkey or burro.

While it's a popular houseplant due to its attractive appearance and low maintenance requirements, it can be tricky to keep alive. In this article, I will talk about how to properly water Burro's Tail.

How often do you water Burro's Tail?

When it comes to Burro's Tail, I find that watering it about once a week works well for me, but only during the summer months when it's placed outside. However, during winter, I reduce watering frequency to about every two weeks.

One helpful indication that this plant needs watering is when its leaves begin to wrinkle, which is a sign of thirst.

How do you water Burro's Tail when propagating from leaves? The Bottom Watering approach.

If you're propagating Burro's Tail from its leaves, it's important to note that this plant grows at a slow pace. One thing to keep in mind is that disturbing the roots can hinder their growth.

Initially, I faced difficulty in watering them as they would float, but then I discovered a helpful solution. I began filling the saucer below the plant with water and allowed it to wick up into the little paper pot and soil. This method has worked well for me as it's allowed the plant to grow steadily without any setbacks.

Watering while propagting Burro's Tail Watering while propagting Burro's Tail

So, if you're propagating Burro's Tail, ensure that you water it consistently and avoid disturbing its roots to promote healthy growth.

How do you water dry Burro's Tail? The Water therapy.

If you happen to find a branch of dry Burro's tail, do not throw it away yet. There is still hope to save it.

To water Burro's Tail, it is recommended to submerge only the bottom portion of the plant without getting the leaves wet. This approach encourages the plant to send its roots towards the water. It is important to note that the leaves should be kept dry during the watering process to avoid causing the plant to wilt or the leaves to deflate.

Before and after pictures of my Burro's Tail Sedum plant undergoing four days of water therapy. Before and after pictures of my Burro's Tail Sedum plant undergoing four days of water therapy.

Lastly, it's recommended to move Burro's Tail indoors if it's exposed to harsh sunlight, which may cause the leaves to dry out. Indoor environments allow better control over the plant's lighting and can provide the optimal conditions for its growth.

About Me



Hi there! My name is Grace. I’m an avid succulent grower and the lead editor of Plant Succulents.

I love succulents! I've owned almost 200 plants from all over the world, and even had my own plant business. I've learned so much about these amazing plants, and now I want to share my knowledge with other succulent lovers!

My favorite succulents are Lithops, Conophytum, and Haworthia.

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